Sunday, March 4, 2012

Carrying a tripod on the plane

I recently went on a trip to San Antonio and I wasn’t sure if I could carry a tripod. Since I did not have any check-in luggage, I had to carry it with me.

I wasn’t sure if a tripod will be allowed as a carry on item. I checked the TSA website and a tripod wasn’t listed on there.

I was traveling by Southwest Airlines, so I checked their website for any baggage requirements. It says on the website that walking canes or umbrellas are not counted against the “one-bag plus one personal-type item” limit. So I figured I could take my chance.

My tripod was a Vista Explorer 60-Inch Lightweight Tripod. I bought it on Amazon.

Vista explorer tripod

And this is how I carried it with me:

Tripod with carry-on bag

I have not had a problem during the flight, and I wasn’t asked any questions either by the TSA or by the Southwest Airlines staff.

So if anyone is looking to carry their tripod, I recommend doing this.

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